Last Updated on January 10, 2023 by Pradeep

SAP FICO TCodes – What do they do?

SAP FICO Tcodes help in the fast execution of programs in the Financial Accounting application of the SAP system. By using these Tcodes, you can easily avoid multiple steps of work which would otherwise be done by navigating through the menu system, which is a time-consuming process.

To understand this more clearly, let us first know what Tcodes are in SAP.

SAP FICO Tcodes - Skillstek - Featured Image

What are Transaction Codes (TCodes)?

In SAP, Transaction codes are used to access functions or execute ABAP programs in SAP applications for fast processing and execution. Instead of using the menu, the navigation and execution are combined into a single step. These are called as TCodes.

It is very helpful while working in the system. This one is the preferred method of using the SAP application because navigating the menu path is time-consuming and the user needs to remember where to look in the navigation menu path.

An example is – GL Master Creation.

Method One – Use System Navigation.

To do this, you need to follow this navigation path:-

SAP Easy Access => Accounting => Financial Accounting => General Ledger=> Master Record => GL Accounts => Centrally

GL Master system navigation in SAP - Skillstek

Method Two – Simply use Transaction Code- FS00

Here is a screenshot.

SAP FICO Tcode FS00 - Skillstek

This means, that if you use Tcodes, you shorten your work and save your time. It is equally important to Byheart the frequently used (key) Tcodes, that would even help you more as you don’t need to see the codes again and again.

(It is somehow like using short-cut keys on a keyboard instead of a mouse, to save your time and effort).

If you are working or practising SAP Financial Accounting, you should know the critical Tcodes in SAP FICO. Here is a list of them with their basic use.

Learn SAP FICO Tcodes for Interview Preparation

You should also learn the most important or frequently used SAP FICO Tcodes for your SAP FICO interview preparation as these are commonly asked in interviews to check your preparedness for real-time work.

If you are an SAP consultant or working towards getting into the SAP sector, you must learn them. Further, if you can by-heart the key Tcodes in SAP FICO, it would be an added advantage.

List of Important TCodes in SAP FICO

SAP FICO TCodesFields it is Used ForDescription of the Fields
SPROEnter IMGAn implementation guide that adjusts the SAP System to the requirements of a company.
OX02Company Code – Create, Check, DeleteThe company code is the central organizational unit of external accounting within the SAP System.
OX03Create Business AreaBusiness Areas are used to differentiate transactions that come from different lines of business in a company.
OKBDFunctional AreasA functional area is an account assignment characteristic that sorts operating expenses according to functions. Example Production, Administration.
OB45Create Credit Control AreaThe organizational unit represents the area where customer credit is awarded and monitored. This can be either a single or for several company codes.
OB29Maintain Fiscal Year VariantIn SAP the fiscal year is assigned as a variant. Posting periods can further be defined in each fiscal year variant. SAP allows a maximum of 16 posting periods in each fiscal year.
OB37Assign Co. Code to Fiscal Year VariantAs the Fiscal Year Variant is created at a client level, it is required to assign to the company code.
OB13Creation of Chart of Account (CoA)Chart of Account is the list of General Ledger Account Master. Chart of Accounts is defined at the client level and assigned to each company code.
OBY7Copy Chart of Account (CoA)
OBY9Transport Chart of Account
OBD4Define Account GroupAn account group is segregating or grouping similar accounts into a single group. Each account group in SAP is assigned to a chart of accounts, so we can only use an account group if the controlling areas use the same chart of accounts.
OBY2Copy GL Accounts from the Chart to Co. Code
OB53Define Retained EarningsRetained Earnings account defines to be used for posting the expenditure and income of the year. It is used to carry forward the balance from the current fiscal year to the next fiscal year.
OB58Maintain Financial Statement Versions
OBC4Maintain Field Status VariantField status variant is used to define the fields used for input like a cost centre, profit centre, plant, etc These are entry fields and hidden fields. Field status Variant is a tool that is provided by SAP to assign the same set of properties to more than one object.
OBBODefine Posting Period VariantSAP Finance posting period variant is used to maintain accounting periods that are open for posting and all closed periods are balanced. This is used for the opening and closing periods in the fiscal year for posting purposes. As it is created client level it is required to assign to the company code.
OB17Define Document Type & Number RangesDocument Type in SAP is defined to distinguish business transactions. For example, transactions like customer payment and vendor credit memos are distinguished with two different document types in SAP to identify them in future.
OB41Maintain Posting KeysThe posting key in SAP is a two digits numerical key that determines the type of transaction entered in a line item. Posting keys in SAP controls the entries in a line item of document entries.
OBA4Create Tolerance GroupsSAP Tolerance Groups define posting authorizations of users in SAP. These posting permissions define the amounts that certain groups of accounting users are allowed to post.
FBN1Create GL Number RangesDocument Numbers uniquely identify every transaction within a fiscal year in a company code. Number ranges for a document type in SAP are used to define how numbers can be assigned to the transaction.
OBL1Automatic Posting Documentation
FBKPAutomatic Account Assignment
OBYCMM Automatic Account AssignmentConfiguration transaction OBYC creates the core of SAP integration between the MM, FI and Controlling modules in a traditional SAP. Transaction keys are used to determine general ledger accounts used by the system.
OBY6Enter Global Parameters
FS00Creation of GL Master RecordsWith the transactional app Manage G/L Account Master data, you can display create and edit the master data of G/L accounts. You can also easily add new G/L accounts from scratch or based on existing accounts.
F-02Posting of GL TransactionsThis FI transaction code is used to post any JV entry.
FB03Display of GL DocumentAfter posting any transaction, the system will generate an accounting document. So, to view that accounting document we can use this SAP FICO TCode FB03.
FS10NDisplay of GL AccountsTo get the GL total balance.
OB46Define Interest Calculation Types
OBD3Define Vendor Account GroupFor creating a vendor master record, we have to specify an account group. Via the Vendor account group, we determine the interval for the account numbers, whether the number is assigned internally by the system or externally by the user. Whether a one-time account. Which fields are ready for input or must fill when creating and changing master records?
XK01Creation of Vendor MasterBy using this SAP FICO TCode, we can create a vendor Master and update, General information, accounting information and Purchasing information.
F-43Purchase Invoice PostingHow to post one vendor invoice only from an accounting point of view. However, it excludes logistic vendor invoice posting.
FK10NDisplay Vendor AccountA particular vendor’s total account balance.
F112Define House BankTo create one House Bank in SAP ERP.
OBB8Maintain Terms of Payment (ToP)To calculate the discount on the Customer/vendor we need to assign payment terms on the master record or document.
OBD2Creation of Customer Account GroupFor creating a customer master record, we have to specify an account group.
Further, via the customer account group, we determine the interval for the account numbers, whether the number is assigned internally by the system or externally by the user.
Whether a one-time account.
Which fields are ready for input or must fill when creating and changing master records?
OBA3Customer Tolerance GroupsTolerance Groups contain the details that control the way the system processes the cash discount and payment difference.
XD01Creation of Customer MasterBy using this TCode in SAP FICO, we can create a customer Master and update General information, accounting information and Sales information.
FD10NDisplay Customer AccountA particular customer’s total account balance.
F-28Incoming Payment PostingTo process collection from the customer.
OB61Define Dunning AreaAn organizational unit that you use to process the dunning program. For example, By Division, sales Organisation etc.
EC08Copy Reference Chart of Depreciation (CoD)
OADBDefine Depreciation AreaThe depreciation area is used to calculate different values in parallel for each fixed asset for different purposes.
OAOBAssign Chart of Depreciation to Co. Code
OAOADefine Asset ClassAsset classes are used to classify fixed assets in asset accounting according to the asset types. Also, these are defined at the SAP client level and contain key control parameters.
AO90Assignment of Account in Asset Class
OAY2Determination of Depreciation Area in Asset Class
AS01Creation of Asset Master
AS11Creation of Sub Asset
F-90Asset Purchase Posting
AFABDepreciation RunCalculating depreciation in SAP or depreciation program execution
F-92Asset Sale Posting
AW01NAsset Sale Posting

Where you can find the complete list of Tcodes in SAP?

The above-mentioned are the most frequently used Tcodes in sap fico. However, there are approximately 1000 Tcodes in the whole Financial Accounting. Likewise, the list of all Tcodes in SAP is extensive and huge. Thus, to view the Tcode you need, you can refer to the SAP guide available in the system.

You can get to the list of Tcodes in SAP in two ways.

  1. Easy Access.
  2. IMG

How to get TCodes from Easy Access Screen

Follow the path:-

Login in SAP => Easy Access => SAP menu => Accounting =>Financial Accounting=> (Subsequent Sub-module)

Then open the respective sub-module to see its Tcodes. The example below is for Entering G/L Accounting Document which is found in:-

Financial Accounting => General Entry => Document Entry => FB50

Easy access tool in system screen in SAP

How to get TCodes from IMG

Login in SAP => SPRO => SAP Customizing Implementation Guide => Financial Accounting => and Further sub-module

In the below example, you can see the Tcode for Field Status Variant (OBC4):-

Financial Accounting => Financial Accounting Global Settings => Ledgers => Fields => Define Field Status variant (OBC4)

Display IMG in SAP system for Tcodes


Tcodes are user-friendly tools that help in saving time and effort. Thus, I advise you also to learn and practice the common Tcodes in SAP FICO to get comfortable with their use and to be efficient with them.

Most Related: Learn SAP FICO on S/4HANA