Last Updated on July 16, 2022 by Pradeep
What is a Document Type in SAP FICO?
The document type is a factor with which we can classify accounting documents in SAP. It is entered in the document header that distinguishes business transactions and helps in managing document storage.
We define the Document Type at the client level, which gets applied to the whole document.

In SAP, Document Type is part of the document header (which is the heading portion of a document).
What is Covered in this Guide:-
- How to Define a Document Type in SAP?
- Document Type Tables for Finance Functional Area
- List of Document Types in SAP
- Components of Document Type
- Functions of Document Type
- Defining Document Type for Different Business Transactions (7 presented)
- EndingNote
So now we will discuss these in detail one by one.
How to Define or Create a document type in SAP?
In the company code, we may have a leading ledger and several non-leading ledgers, but a document type example “JV” has the same effect on all the ledgers. Let’s define this new document type:-
IMG => Financial Accounting => Document-Document Types => Define Document Type or Transaction Code => OBA7
On the resulting screen, the following appears:-
Document Type => Enter JV as two character identifier for the document type

Important Fields in Document Type Creation Process
Some of these fields play important roles in creating a document type in SAP. So, let us learn more about them.
Number Range
Enter JV in this field because we want to use the same document type identifier to identify the number range. Use the NUMBER RANGE Information button to ensure that this number range is available for the company code.
Reverse Document Type
Enter the document type to be used for reversal transactions. When this field is left blank, the system uses the original document type for reversal as well. You may leave this field blank.
Select all the checkboxes under Account Types Allowed because the document type JV is used in all these cases.
BTCH Input Only
Select this for document types used in batch processing.
Net Document Type
Applicable only for vendor invoices, this is not relevant for JV. If selected, this field enables you to deduct cash discounts from vendor invoices when posted with document type KN (net vendors).
Customer/Vendor Check
This imposes a restriction that not more than one vendor or customer account is allowed to be posted in the same document. The document can however contain any number of line items belonging to the same customer or vendor.
Negative Posting Permitted
When you select this, you can reverse the original postings without altering the trial-balance transaction figures. This is possible only when you configure the company code to receive negative postings.
Inter-Company Posting
Select this to have cross-company account assignments within a single document. This enables account assignment to several partners. We won’t select this for JV
Reference Number
Use this field if you want a reference number to enter during document entry. Although we do not require it for document type JV. Still, we select this checkbox later for the document types relating to customer or vendor invoices (DR, KR, RE) and Credit Memo (DG/KG).
Document Header Text
Select this checkbox if you need to enter a text mandatorily for all transactions involving this particular document type.
List of Key Document Types in SAP
Key Document Types | Description |
AB | General document |
CO | CO posting |
DG | Customer credit memo |
DZ | Customer payment |
DR | Customer invoice |
KZ | Vendor payment |
KG | Vendor credit memo |
KN | Vendor net invoice and credit memo |
KR | Vendor invoice |
SA | General G/L accounts |
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SAP Document Types Table for FI
Following are some document types tables that we use in the Financial Accounting Document Area.
BKPF | Accounting document Header |
BSIG | Accounting document Segment |
T003 | Document Types |
T003T | Document Type Texts |
Components of a Document in SAP
A document consists of two main components:
- Document Header
- Line items

1) Document Header
The document header, valid for the entire document, helps in the identification of a document. It consists of many elements.
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Document Date
The document date represents the date when the business transaction took place. Normally this is the date when the original document was issued. Generally, it is before the posting date. This is a mandatory field for data entry.
Document Type
The document type determines to which account (G/L, customer, vendor etc) a document is to be posted. It also determines the type of transactions, invoices, payments etc.
Company Code
The Company Code represents the legal entity for which you prepare the document.
Also Learn: How to Assign a Company Code to a Chart of Accounts?
Currency or Exchange rate
When you enter the currency key, the system automatically transfers the valid exchange rate for that posting date. However, if you want to use a specific exchange rate, you need to enter a value in the rate field. This you do in addition to specifying the current key.
Translation date
If you want the system to make use of the exchange rate on a date that is different from the Document Date, you need to enter that as the date of the translation. The system, together with the currency key, determines the applicable exchange rate for the date entered.
Posting Date
The posting date denotes the date on which the system accounts for the transaction. In general, this is a later date than the document date.
the system derives the posting period from the posting date. Typically this represents the month of the posting date. However, in the case of the last posting period (example 12) suggested by the system from the posting date (example Dec 26 2019) you can manually update this field with a different period (example 13) to represent the special period.
Document Number
Depending upon the document type, either the SAP system assigns the document numbers internally or you assign them externally. The System automatically determines the period that is permitted for posting.
2) Line Items
A line item is made up of an account number, posting key and some additional details.
The posting key is known as the Debit or Credit indicator. And additional details here mean such:
Tax Code
Tax Amount
Segment and,
Each document has at least two line items.

You can enable the system to automatically create some of the line items. Such as:
- Tax on Sale or purchase while posting customer/vendor invoice
- Gain/losses from exchange rate difference between invoice and payment
- Cash discount paid/received during payment posting
- Residual items or bank charges while posting a customer /vendor payment and clearing open item
- Tax adjustment postings for a down payment when entering special G/L transactions
Also Read: Payment Terms in SAP FICO
Functions of document type in SAP
- It controls posting to the correct account types ( Customer, Vendor, Asset etc.).
- Secondly, it assigns number ranges.
- Finally, it determines whether it has applied the vendor net procedure. Noteworthy, it is a must to calculate any discount and post the net amount during vendor invoice postings).

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Defining Document Type in different business transactions in SAP
Let’s proceed with document types, that differentiate the various business transactions in SAP.
From General Ledger’s view
This applies only to the non-leading ledger. Here you need to complete this customizing step only when you use an FYV for a non-leading ledger. Additionally, it is different from any of your company codes from that of the FYV for the leading ledger.
Noteworthy, when you use varying FYV, the document number in the document entry view does not correspond to the document in the G/L view.
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Document Numbering in SAP Document Type
The document number helps to identify a specific document in conjunction with the company code and fiscal year.
The SAP system assigns a unique number to each document from a document range. It depends upon the document type. This is a number from this defined range whenever you post a new document.
Because the number range depends on the company code, you need to create them in each of your company codes. Further, you need to transport them to target systems. You can use either numeric or alphanumeric number ranges.
The document number length is uniformly kept at 10 digits. Thus, for any length shorter than this, you add leading zeros for all the numeric number ranges. Similarly with training zeros for alphanumeric number ranges.
You can also use the same number range for the same document type in different company codes.
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Internal Number assignment
You allow the system to automatically assign a document number. This is sequentially from a range that was already defined for a particular document type. The numbers that you assign internally, are always numeric.
Further, the system stores the last number used for a document in the current Number field. It brings up the next number sequentially when you create another new document.
External number assignment
The user will enter a unique number every time while creating a document. The system doesn’t store any last number in the Current Number Field for all externally numbered documents. This is because the user supplies the number for the new document.

Each number range has a validity period defined in the system. The ranges can be defined as either year dependent or year independent.
Change/Delete Number Ranges in Document Type in SAP FI
You may need to change the number interval or validity period of an already defined number range. You can change the lower and upper limits. Changing the lower limit in a number range with an internal number assignment is advisable only if a number has not been assigned. If you will change the upper limit, make sure that the new number does not fall below the current number.
Number Range for Reversal Document
You can specify specific number ranges defined for all the reversal documents. For all the document types with internal numbering, the system uses the same number range for reversal as well, unless you specify separate internal number ranges. You must define internal number ranges for document reversals of external numbered document type otherwise, you end up with errors.
Number Range for special Documents
Define separate number intervals for special documents, such as sample and recurring entry documents. You should not use these intervals for any other document types.
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In SAP, Document Type is a very important concept. Surely an SAP FICO consultant’s roles and responsibilities include this as well. You must remember that for every business transaction, you may have one or multiple documents in SAP FICO. Hence all the details related to a Document Header is part of the BKPF Table which is there in the system database.
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The same concept of Document Type in SAP FICO is also applicable in the SAP S4 HANA Finance too. It is just that the platform is different in both. FI is ECC-based and S/4HANA Finance is on HANA Database (Cloud technology).
Know More about: SAP FICO Vs S/4HANA Finance
Watch Video: Document Types in SAP FI